Australia's Largest Trees, Big Tree, Giant Trees, Australia's Biggest Trees : National Register of Big Trees

Australia's Largest Trees, Big Tree, Giant Trees, Australia's Biggest Trees


Gum - Forest Red : Eucalyptus tereticornis
[Click to Enlarge]

Common Name :
Gum - Forest Red
Scientific Name :
Eucalyptus tereticornis
Circumference :
8.33 metres (327 inches)
Height :
25.00 metres (82 feet)
Crown :

30.00 metres (98 feet)

Points :


State :
Town :
Brisbane, Lota

Location :
Lota Camping Ground
Coordinates :

27 27 59.54 S 153 11 31.19 E
Click to view in maps

Nominator :
Eric Frei
Year Measured :

Type :

Comments :

This tree is not that tall , but wide and has a huge gnarly burly base. Spectacular architecture with twisting branches, some hollows and smaller burls, definitely an old tree, but has weathered really well.
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