Australia's Largest Trees, Big Tree, Giant Trees, Australia's Biggest Trees : National Register of Big Trees

Australia's Largest Trees, Big Tree, Giant Trees, Australia's Biggest Trees


Tallowwood "Big Foot" : Eucalyptus microcorys
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Additional Information

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Common Name :
Tallowwood "Big Foot"
Scientific Name :
Eucalyptus microcorys
Circumference :
6.90 metres (271 inches)
Height :
45.00 metres (147 feet)
Crown :

25.00 metres (82 feet)

Points :


State :
Town :
Access :

Location :
On stream near Wamwarra Creek.
Coordinates :

32° 21' 2.34" s 152° 27' 51.34
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Nominator :
Keith Bishop
Year Measured :
Age :
Type :

Comments :

“Bungwahl means where the rooted edible semi-aquatic plant grows”. The impressive fern is very abundant around the edges of Myall Lake a short distance to the south of the tree. The rhizomes were gathered and processed to make bread-like food. Evidently there were large migrations to the area in the appropriate season.
Possibly an Aboriginal shield has been cut from the downhill face of the tree. Referred to as “BigFoot”
On the banks of a small ephemeral stream which enters Wamwarra Creek from the east.
Wamwarra Creek flows to the south then enters Smiths Lake, an intermittently opening and closing coastal lagoon. The tree base is at an elevation of approximately 100 m above sea level and the distance to Smiths Lake by the stream is approximately 1700 m.

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