Australia's Largest Trees, Big Tree, Giant Trees, Australia's Biggest Trees : National Register of Big Trees

Australia's Largest Trees, Big Tree, Giant Trees, Australia's Biggest Trees


Pine - Norfolk Island : Araucaria heterophylla
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Additional Information

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Common Name :
Pine - Norfolk Island
Scientific Name :
Araucaria heterophylla
Circumference :
5.20 metres (204 inches)
Height :
54.00 metres (177 feet)
Crown :

14.00 metres (45 feet)

Points :


State :
NI (Norfolk Island)
Town :
Norfolk Island
Access :

Location :
Selwyn Pine Rd
Coordinates :

29° 01' 16.18" S 167° 56' 55.80" E
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Nominator :
Peter McMinn
Year Measured :
Age :
Type :
Native Forest

Comments :

This is in an old growth forest remnant, whereas the only other two Norfolk pines from Norfolk Island on the register are planted specimens.
The specimen I have nominated is more typical of mature Norfolk pines growing naturally in forests on the island. For example, there are many similar sized trees growing within the National Park. My age estimate is a wild guess. It's age could be anywhere from 150-250+ years.

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