Australia's Largest Trees, Big Tree, Giant Trees, Australia's Biggest Trees : National Register of Big Trees

Australia's Largest Trees, Big Tree, Giant Trees, Australia's Biggest Trees


Gum - Sydney Red, Rusty, Smooth-barked Apple : Angophora costata
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Additional Information

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Common Name :
Gum - Sydney Red, Rusty, Smooth-barked Apple
Scientific Name :
Angophora costata
Circumference :
5.58 metres (219 inches)
Height :
18.00 metres (59 feet)
Crown :

14.00 metres (45 feet)

Points :


State :
Town :
Access :

On side of road
Location :
Opposite 110A, The Esplanade
Coordinates :

34 00 49.90 S 151 05 28.13 E
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Nominator :
Dan, Dash & Leon Clarke
Year Measured :
Age :
Type :

Comments :


Estimated age: At least 60 years. A review has been undertaken of the historic aerial photographs available on the Sutherland Shire Council website. The tree seems to be visible on the 1955 photograph. (
During tree data recording, a discussion was held with the 90-year old gentleman who resides in 114 The Esplande, who insisted the tree had been there when he first moved into the area in 1935.
Tree condition and general remarks:
The tree is in a moderate to severe state of deteriorating health with many braches having died. The canopy is only partly intact, due to many main branches no longer producing foliage and now reduced to hollows of varying size. The central part of the trunk is no longer supporting canopy in itself, with only the side braches now forming the canopy. However, the canopy that is present is healthy.
It is the sheer girth of the trunk which is most notable – which is one of the largest that I have recorded for this species in the Sydney area. However, the trunk has undergone extensive callousing, possibly as a result of some sort of past damage such as a lightning strike. The callousing has given the trunk a somewhat warped shape.
The tree has undergone lopping in the past, most likely by Council staff and probably in an effort to remove dangerous branches. This was confirmed by the local 90-year old neighbour.
At the time of data recording, several Sulphur-Crested Cockatoos were using the hollows. In previous observations, we have noted Brush-tail Possums and Rainbow Lorikeets using the hollows.
Native forest, remnant or planted: Remnant. Angophora costata is one of the main remnant canopy species in the area, which would have originally being Sydney Sandstone Gully vegetation. The tree is evident on the 1955 aerial photograph on the Sutherland Council aerial photographs (

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